STRIVE HI results were just released this past Friday. The results are still embargoed and as soon as the BOE approves its release, I will be able to share the specifics of how we did in meeting the requirements of ESSA. Unfortunately, we have been identified as a school in need of TSI/CUP (Targeted Support Intervention/Continuously Underperforming) classification. I will need to meet with our CAS in a one to one conference to address our plans to improve SBA scores and/this includes Literacy overall K-6 as I believe they were only looking at ELA scores when coming up with the classification. In our conversation, I will need to share how we are tracking progress throughout the year with all our students, knowing there will be a specific focus on our subgroups. My meeting with Sean Tajima will be taking place in early October and by then I will need to share a plan inclusive of data tracked, the ways each grade level is addressing the needs of our most struggling students and goals we've set to improve reading achievement across all grade levels.
In light of this new information and as we move forward in our efforts to tighten up RtI and begin triangulating data, we want teachers to turn in their BAS data asap. It was decided that this year, BAS was to be used a a second screener for RtI as it would help to more accurately identify the students who truly needed the intensive instruction in RtI. Teachers should have tested all their RED students, and were using their judgement to determine if their students in yellows needed to be retested. Please send in a copy of your BAS profile sheets to your coach. This sheet should account for every student in your class, and should include either an updated BAS level (because you retested this child at the start of the year) OR their BAS level from last MAY (because you felt they did not need to be retested at the start of the school year). You will be given some time during artic to compile this data.
Along with your iReady data, your BAS data will provide you with a second data point that will help you to more accurately target your students and set goals with them. Please note though not all students need to be BAS assessed at this time, in the future depending on how well we are assessing and seeing progress in our most at-risk students we may go back to requiring all students be assessed with BAS. For Kindergarten students, i believe in this first semester, Dibels was the assessment we'd be using with all students and BAS was possibly going to take place in second semester. Pls. confirm with Tamra.
Thank you.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
As we dig deeper into iReady implementation this year, I wanted our District Resource teacher Daniel Noia to pull some data for us correlating SBA and iReady data. Below are his findings. This may help grade levels who are looking at iReady scores and goal planning for their classes. Deb Hatada, Principal Kaimiloa Elementary School Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284 Good morning, Yes. That is correct. I apologize for not making that clear. Restating just for clarification Greater than .90 High correlation means that there is a definite relationship between performance on iReady and SBA Between .6 and .9 Medium correlation means there might be some relationship or connection between how well a student does on iReady is predictive as to how well they will do on SBA Less than .6 Little correlation means scores on both assessments have no relationship at all to each other I look forward to working with you folks on the 18th a...
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