Below is a portion of the Lotus Notes sent out to Principals by our Complex Area Superintendent. Letter that goes home to family will be distributed before the end of today. Will send out any further information via REMIND.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
----- Forwarded by Debra Hatada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE on 09/10/2018 01:37 PM -----
From: Sean Tajima/LEEDO/HIDOE
To: 060-prin-CA CK,
Date: 09/10/2018 12:25 PM
Subject: Hurricane Olivia
CK Principals,
Here's the update from my 11:00 am conference call today with the Deputy Supt. We have another conference call at 8:00 pm tonight so I'll provide another update after that one. There will be a media release at 8:00 pm also.
Olivia is currently between a tropical storm / hurricane. It is expected to hit Maui tomorrow around 3:00 - 5:00 pm.
The focus of my updates I'll share will be for the Oahu schools. I may have some updates regarding neighbor island schools just so you can see potential rolling updates as we go.
Afterschool Activities
As of now, afterschool activities will remain open today and tomorrow on Oahu.
Afterschool activities on Maui and Big Island are closed tomorrow.
No Oahu DOE schools listed as shelters as of now.
The only shelters that may open are BYU + 7 district parks.
School Closure
As of now, all Oahu schools will remain open tomorrow.
Any school closures may be decided on a rolling basis, instead of statewide or island-wide closures.
It is possible for select areas to have half day, primarily to allow students to be fed at school.
Parent Notification
A parent letter from the Supt office will be going out today.
Schools have the option to add in the letter where to look for school-specific updated info.
Interim Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area Superintendent
Leeward District Office
601 Kamokila Blvd.
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 692-8000
Twitter: @Stajima1Stajima
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