Just a few friendly reminders for Fire Inspection that will be coming up in November.
1.No daisy chain + piggybacking extension cords
2. Broken or missing cover plates.
3. Appliances plugged direct to the wall.
4.Fans need to plugged direct to the wall.
5. Pull stations need 3 feet clearance all around.
6.Fire extinguisher needs 2 feet clearance all around
7.No clutter around outlets
8.All spray bottles need to be labeled.
9.Doorways and hallways are not to be obstructed.
10.Storage near ceiling needs 2 feet clearance.
11. Every class/office needs a evacuation map mounted in class. If your missing or don't have one please let Admin know. They can provide one for you.
These are some items that we will be looking for. Pre_Fire inspection list is on google docs for more information.
As we dig deeper into iReady implementation this year, I wanted our District Resource teacher Daniel Noia to pull some data for us correlating SBA and iReady data. Below are his findings. This may help grade levels who are looking at iReady scores and goal planning for their classes. Deb Hatada, Principal Kaimiloa Elementary School Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284 Good morning, Yes. That is correct. I apologize for not making that clear. Restating just for clarification Greater than .90 High correlation means that there is a definite relationship between performance on iReady and SBA Between .6 and .9 Medium correlation means there might be some relationship or connection between how well a student does on iReady is predictive as to how well they will do on SBA Less than .6 Little correlation means scores on both assessments have no relationship at all to each other I look forward to working with you folks on the 18th a...
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