We have 10 slots reserved for our school. Please indicate your interest in attending this conference that will be held on Saturday, February 2 by filling out a form to be sent out later. The 25 Break-Out sessions will be completely teacher and student-led however Scarlett will be there to do the key-note. Attending this conference, you will be able to see how teachers are making Choose Love, a "way of life" in every classroom in the school. As principal Stacie Kunihisa commented below, Choose Love is not a discrete lesson taught during a block in the school day but a way of interacting with yourself and others throughout the school day and beyond. In speaking with her, Glen Iwamoto and other school principals who have chosen this SEL program, classroom misbehaviour and discipline referrals have been reduced because students are now able to self-manage their feelings and actions. We have already seen this with students at our school who are able to articulate the choices they now have when interacting with their peers.
Also, for those attending Schools of the Future Conference in November, a school team from Kanoelani will be presenting at a break-out session on the first day of the conference. Those who are attending the SOTF Conference, please sign up for that session.
Thank you to our Support teachers (Shely, Haylee, Ray, Amanda, Kelli and Amy) who are helping to roll out the initial lessons for Choose Love and for keeping all of our Ohana updated on how we can support and reinforce what our students are learning.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
Aloha Choose Love Conference participant,
This is a friendly reminder and some updates regarding the exciting event coming up on February 2, 2019. We will have over 25 breakout sessions for you to choose from by next month. Teachers and students are taking their own brave breaths as they plan to open up their classrooms to you. They will courageously share their best practices and tips to integrate SEL into daily curriculum. No doubt, you are in for a treat!
The most resounding insight we've had during implementation is to NOT make social emotional learning a "block" in the school day but a way of life in the class/school. As one teacher puts it "this has become my discipline plan - how we treat each other through a daily reflective process."
Scarlett and Chris are ready to share the WHY behind an imperative focus on SEL and the need to teach kids explicitly how to handle stress, anxiety and conflict. This is the "how" of HA in the department of education at our school.
On that hopefully sunny Saturday morning, we will be asking everyone to carpool if possible. Parking will be available both in our small school lot as well as at Grace Fellowship preschool (right down the road) with free shuttles running for pick up and drop off. If for any reason you need to leave early, please park at the school.
Don't forget a mid morning and afternoon snacks will be provided along with lunch and drinks but you are welcome to bring your own water bottle if you wish. Lunch options will also be sent out soon.
We will also have some things on sale such as Andagi sold by our Taiko group and Choose Love bracelets among other things. Looking forward to a Choose Love filled day! Please email any questions you have or if you are unable to make it let us know so those on the waitlist can attend in your place. Mahalo and enjoy your Saturday!!!
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