That is such great news our Library is getting so much use and it is being utilized as a shared space for adult and student learning. With flexible furniture, the room can easily be configured in the afternoons to have two areas for academies and also spaces in corners for teachers to continue to collaborate or meet. Furniture, white board can be used to section off area.
Just be sure if you are moving furniture to accommodate whatever activity is going on during a particular time during the day and not only afterschool, that adults reconfigure the room the way they found it.
I am liking the way it's so natural to see students and adults working alongside each other in the common spaces of our library - it's one way for students to see that adults learn in very much the same way they do, collaborating and interacting with others.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
Wendy Ahlo---10/19/2018 04:07:13 PM---HI All, Ho`okui Academies need to reserve the Artic Room every Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 2
To: Kaimiloa Ohana,
Date: 10/19/2018 04:07 PM
Subject: Artic Room and Library
HI All,
Ho`okui Academies need to reserve the Artic Room every Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
from 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm. Because of limited space in the library, we need to use this room
If you have noticed, we are also using the main library on Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays
from 2:00 pm - 3:45 pm. Thursdays and Fridays we have two academies in there.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
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