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Fw: Kaimiloa Elem School Faculty & Staff Reunion (Monday, 1/21/19)-Update #1

If you forgot to sign up for the event below - this afternoon our final count will be going in for Monday's Reunion Lunch.  Pls. let Jean know if you will be attending.  So far, we have over 30 former and current staff members attending this event.  Cougars 4 Life!

Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280   FAX (808) 689-1284

----- Forwarded by Debra Hatada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE on 01/16/2019 07:44 AM -----

From: Stanley Tamashiro/EWA/HIDOE
To: Jean Jones/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Laura Nakamura/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Chad Nacapuy/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Mariko Yorimoto/ILIMA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Julie Otsu/HOLOMUA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Laura Obuhanych/HOLOMUA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Noelle Hasegawa/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Gayle Hamanaka/KAIMILOA/HIDOE, Wendy Boggs/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Raymond Galicia/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Wendy Ahlo/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Gordon Wong/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, LoriAnn Iwata/WAIAU/HIDOE@HIDOE, Shirlene Ideue/AHRENS/HIDOE@HIDOE, Kerri Yrojo/KAPOLEI/HIDOE@HIDOE, Debbie Darley/WAIKELE/HIDOE@HIDOE, Laureen Teruya-Schmidt/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Kathleen Makimoto/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Sheryl Miyaji/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Dolores Gettle/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Kelijene Tengan/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Julia Okamura/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Tammy Salvador/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Dori Seatriz/PRIDGE/HIDOE@HIDOE, Cheryl Takushi/MILWAENA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Reshel Arias/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Terri Trevathan/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Regina Yamamoto/HOOKELE/HIDOE@HIDOE, Traci Ann Aoki/HOLOMUA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Dean Kaneshiro/DOLE/HIDOE@HIDOE,, m.o', Leonard Suan/HOLOMUA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Stephanie Kuniyoshi/WAHIAWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Kerriann Iwamoto/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Sherri Takamoto/PCEL/HIDOE@HIDOE, Darlene Ahuna/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Bruce Watanabe/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Rona Noda/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Lisa Nakamura/PAUOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Renee Kaneshiro/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Lynn Tsuruda/HOKULANI/HIDOE@HIDOE, Celine Kapu/KUHIO/HIDOE@HIDOE, Darcie Kajioka/MANOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Karol Yoneda/MAKALAPA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Tamie Richardson/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Yolanda Macion-Ito/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Lori Ann Muraoka/AHRENS/HIDOE@HIDOE, Leilani Ayala-Nakagawa/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Charlette Galicia/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Hope Hatakenaka/LEEDO/HIDOE@HIDOE, Sherri-Lee Tallman/PRIDGE/HIDOE@HIDOE, Kristine Osumi/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Liane Miura/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Michelle Ichioka/BARBERS/HIDOE@HIDOE, JoAnn Kimura/HONOWAI/HIDOE@HIDOE, Sandy Thomas/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Judi Tatsuyama/EWA/HIDOE@HIDOE, "Sue Jean & Leighton Hasegawa" <>, Eydie Lum <>, Cynthia Maeshiro <>, Jaymie Yorita/KAHULUI/HIDOE@HIDOE, Geri Kimoto <>, Jon Kimoto <>, "Shirley Tanaka" <>, lori higashiyama <>, Tracy Taniguchi <>, Sharon Nakatani <>, Dianne Maetani <>, Doreen Yonemura <>, Jandi Sakauye <>, Jan Kusunoki <>, Carol Ann Watanabe <>, Sandi Kekina <>, Ellen Yamada <>, Doreen Kinoshita <>, "G Iwami" <>, Russell Yamauchi <>, Joan Tanji <>, "Gloria Boylan" <>, Lynette Petty/HOLOMUA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Cari-Lynn Barcial/KAUMUALII/HIDOE@HIDOE, Stacie Uemura/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Iris Larsen/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Jaylin Matsunaga/KAPOLEI/HIDOE@HIDOE, Theresa Abordonado/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Samantha Takahashi/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Laura Apo/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE, Sheryl Bada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE@HIDOE,
Date: 01/12/2019 10:42 AM
Subject: Kaimiloa Elem School Faculty & Staff Reunion (Monday, 1/21/19)-Update #1

Cougars for Life-In checking with Jean yesterday afternoon, she shared there were about 30 of you who are attending this get together.  Thanks for attending.  I fully realize that others may want to attend, but have prior commitments.  During my many opportunities in planning events, I am very much aware that there is no "perfect" date.

The deadline for replying to Jean has been extended to Tuesday, January 15, 2019 so if you were "on the fence" about attending, you're not too late to reply.

Hope to see many of you at our Reunion on Monday, January 21, 2019.


----- Forwarded by Stanley Tamashiro/EWA/HIDOE on 01/12/2019 10:38 AM -----

From: Stanley Tamashiro/EWA/HIDOE
Date: 12/12/2018 07:28 AM
Subject: Kaimiloa Elem School Faculty & Staff Reunion (Monday, 1/21/19)

    Cougars for Life-

    Deb & I are very excited to co-host/sponsor a reunion of faculty and staff members who worked with us from November 12, 1991 (my first day as Kaimiloa Elementary School Principal) to today.  Those who worked at Kaimiloa prior to our tenure are also invited.  This reunion is an opportunity to get as many faculty and staff members back at Kaimiloa to reconnect with former colleagues, meet current faculty and staff members and have fun remembering the good & challenging times when we worked at Kaimiloa.  Our previous reunion was on March 26, 2015; almost 4 years ago and while many were able to attend, many didn't, so this is another opportunity to get together.

    Deb or Jean-Please share this email message with your current faculty & staff and also add in others who worked at Kaimiloa that I didn't include.  Most of the names I listed are teachers who I worked with or know and if I started to list the current faculty & staff separately, this message may not get out until its way too late.

    This email is being sent primarily to those currently working for the DOE.  Please pass on this email/message to those who have left the DOE for another profession or have retired.

    What: Kaimiloa Elementary School Faculty and Staff Reunion

    When: Monday, January 21, 2019 (HOLIDAY:  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)

    Where: Kaimiloa Elementary School Library

    Time: 1030am to 230pm

    Cost: $5 for Bento; Deb & Stan will cover the remaining cost of bento and drinks
    Cash or Check.  If paying by check, please make payable to:  Stan Tamashiro

    RSVP: Call (689-1280) or email Jean Jones ( by Friday, 1/11/19

    Should you have questions, please contact Stan at or call him at 307-8270 (Ewa Elementary School) or 721-0137 (cell).

    Hope to see you there.

    Debra Hatada
    Kaimiloa Elementary School (9/01 to present)

    Stanley G. Tamashiro, Jr.
    Kaimiloa Elementary School (11/91 to 8/01)
    Ewa Elementary School (1/03 to present)


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