Sorry Noelle -
It doesn't break down for Kinder and starts at Grade 1.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
Noelle Hasegawa---01/16/2019 01:36:21 PM---The link you sent does not break down into grade levels. The sight words we teach are all on the FR
From: Noelle Hasegawa/KAIMILOA/HIDOE
Cc: Kaimiloa Ohana
Date: 01/16/2019 01:36 PM
Subject: Re: Official Sight Word List for Kaimiloa
The link you sent does not break down into grade levels. The sight words we teach are all on the FRY list. We have been teaching them in the Wonders sequence, adding words needed for BAS and other assessments. If grade 1 can review the words we teach and align from there, overlapping will be at a minimum.
-----Debra Hatada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE wrote: -----
To: Kaimiloa Ohana
From: Debra Hatada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE
Date: 01/16/2019 10:48AM
Subject: Official Sight Word List for Kaimiloa
After surveying grade levels as to which Sight Word List they were using, the most common one appears to be the Fry Word List so this will be the list we will be using moving forward as we seek consistency and alignment K-6. Pls. see below link to determine the breakdown of words by grade level, frequency as well as resources to use when teaching common sight words to our students.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
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