We are so glad that Victoria Kalemamahu is back with us at school and her students. I think all of you know Victoria had to take an extended sick leave after returning from maternity leave. Because of this, she has no sick leave left and therefore if she or baby becomes ill, she will need to go on leave without pay.
HSTA has a Leave Share Program that is only available for BU 05 Employees (teachers). Victoria is approved to receive up to 29 days of sick leave if any of her colleagues here or across other DOE schools want to donate leave days to her. This Leave Share Program is voluntary and eligible donors need to complete DOE OHF 300-017, Donation for Teachers Maternity/Paternity Leave Share Program. You may donate up to 10 days and must have a balance of 30 days in your account after the donation is processed.
If you want to donate sick leave days, please see Jean for the form. I know Victoria joins me in thanking you for this consideration. There's still many more days before the end of this school year and with the flu season still in full swing, we would like the assurance knowing no employee have to worry about staying home because of illness and losing your pay at the same time.
Thank you for your consideration.
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
As we dig deeper into iReady implementation this year, I wanted our District Resource teacher Daniel Noia to pull some data for us correlating SBA and iReady data. Below are his findings. This may help grade levels who are looking at iReady scores and goal planning for their classes. Deb Hatada, Principal Kaimiloa Elementary School Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284 Good morning, Yes. That is correct. I apologize for not making that clear. Restating just for clarification Greater than .90 High correlation means that there is a definite relationship between performance on iReady and SBA Between .6 and .9 Medium correlation means there might be some relationship or connection between how well a student does on iReady is predictive as to how well they will do on SBA Less than .6 Little correlation means scores on both assessments have no relationship at all to each other I look forward to working with you folks on the 18th a...
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