Please put on your best smiles Kaimiloa Visible Learners! Attached you will find the schedule and agenda for Dr. Amanda March's visit on Monday and Tuesday. This is almost like a mini WASC but in a much more focused way. Dr. March will be on our campus visiting classrooms, interviewing teachers and students, sitting in on Articulation and Guiding Coalition sessions. Thank you to Grade 1 who will be hosting Dr. March in their PLC session and having her experience what a PLC looks like at Kaimiloa.
The visit is to see how far and how deeply we are using the Visible Learning framework. So whether she is observing a classroom lesson where Teacher Clarity is embedded in the Learning Intentions/Success Criteria so well that there is Student Clarity, talking to students about the lemonade recipe they are creating and hearing Student Voice, interviewing teachers and hearing their passion and inspiration as they hold HIGH Expectations for all students and speaking to parents about the pride they have witnessing their children becoming their own teachers, I know she know who we are as a school and how far we have come in the last 5 years.
Thank you to all teachers who have stepped forward to share your students, your lessons and your voices about teaching and learning during scheduled classroom visits. For all other teachers and staff members, I have told Amanda she can stop anyone or drop in on any classroom she wants to visit and talk with our Ohana members. See you all next week!
(See attached file: Visible Learning Case Study Agenda.docx)
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
As we dig deeper into iReady implementation this year, I wanted our District Resource teacher Daniel Noia to pull some data for us correlating SBA and iReady data. Below are his findings. This may help grade levels who are looking at iReady scores and goal planning for their classes. Deb Hatada, Principal Kaimiloa Elementary School Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284 Good morning, Yes. That is correct. I apologize for not making that clear. Restating just for clarification Greater than .90 High correlation means that there is a definite relationship between performance on iReady and SBA Between .6 and .9 Medium correlation means there might be some relationship or connection between how well a student does on iReady is predictive as to how well they will do on SBA Less than .6 Little correlation means scores on both assessments have no relationship at all to each other I look forward to working with you folks on the 18th a...
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