In looking at next school year and reflecting on all that we've accomplished, please take some time to read over the Superintendent's initial thoughts on the DOE development of their 10 year plan.
Of special interest if I were to highlight her report:
- Every classroom provides rigorous applied learning, design thinking, project-based designs
- Student voice in what and how they learn
- Powerful PLCs
- Leverage technology to provide students with opportunities to design, iterate and collaborate
- What is student success?
- How do we measure what we really value?
- How do we support each student to experience success?
- Empowerment Framework
- Portfolio of School Design
- Innovation
Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280 FAX (808) 689-1284
----- Forwarded by Debra Hatada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE on 04/23/2019 02:21 PM -----
From: Sean Tajima/LEEDO/HIDOE
To: LD Principals, LD VPs
Date: 04/23/2019 11:54 AM
Subject: Equity, Excellence & Innovation
Please see the document linked below. These are our Superintendent's thoughts and ideas that will shape the development of our 10-Year HIDOE Action Plan.
Equity, Excellence & Innovation
Sean S. Tajima
Interim Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area Superintendent
Leeward District Office
601 Kamokila Blvd.
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 692-8000
Twitter: @Stajima1Stajima
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