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Fw: Leaves of Absence

Please review again, proper procedures for Leaves of Absence per respective contract from your union.

Deb Hatada, Principal
Kaimiloa Elementary School
Office (808) 689-1280   FAX (808) 689-1284

----- Forwarded by Debra Hatada/KAIMILOA/HIDOE on 04/30/2019 09:19 AM -----

From: Sean Tajima/LEEDO/HIDOE
To: 060-prin-CA CK
Date: 04/30/2019 08:51 AM
Subject: Leaves of Absence

FYI for your records in case some of you have employees who need reminders about this.

Sean S. Tajima
Interim Campbell-Kapolei Complex Area Superintendent
Leeward District Office
601 Kamokila Blvd.
Kapolei, HI 96707
(808) 692-8000
Twitter: @Stajima1Stajima

----- Forwarded by Sean Tajima/LEEDO/HIDOE on 04/30/2019 08:48 AM -----

Memo Section___________________________________________________________________________________________               



P.O. BOX 2360


Annual Memo

May 1, 2019
TO:All Department of Education Employees
Hawaii State Teachers Association
Hawaii Government Employees Association
United Public Workers
F R O M:Dr. Christina M. Kishimoto
    The purpose of this memo is to remind all employees of their responsibility to report and submit proper documents when requesting a leave of absence.  
    All employees shall file for a leave of absence on a form prescribed by the Department of Education within the number of workdays as cited in the School Code 5400 and/or respective collective bargaining unit contracts.
    NOTE:  Untimely submission of completed leave forms may delay the processing of leave accounting, impacting balance payouts as well as reporting to the Employees' Retirement System (ERS).
    Certificated Employees (Bargaining Units 05 and 06)
    All employees are responsible and required to give prior notification, and obtain approval from their principal/supervisor prior to taking any leave of absence except for unanticipated sick leave and emergencies.  Use the proper form shown below to report any leaves of absence:

    Bargaining Unit
    DOE OHR 300-001
    Application for Leave of Absence Certificated
    School-Level Employees
    DOE OHR 300-001
    Application for Leave of Absence Certificated
    School-Level Employees
    Educational Officers
    G-1, Application for Leave of Absence

Sick Leave - All employees are responsible and required to call their principal/supervisor each day of absence and submit the proper form on the first day of return.  For absences of more than five (5) consecutive workdays, district/state educational officers must obtain a licensed practitioner's statement and use the Form G-1, Application for Leave of Absence.  For teachers, principals, and vice-principals, the licensed practitioner should sign Section IV, Licensed Physician's Statement on form DOE OHR 300-001, Application for Leave of Absence Certificated School-Level Employees or attach a licensed practitioner's statement to the form DOE-OHR 300-001.
    NOTE:  Teachers should use the SmartFindExpress (SFE) System to arrange for their substitute teachers.
    Unauthorized Leave without Pay - Employees who are absent from work without proper authorization shall be considered on unauthorized leave without pay until an accurate determination of the actual leave status can be made.  Any period of unauthorized absence from work shall not be considered as service rendered.
    Classified Civil Service and School Support Personnel (Bargaining Units 01, 02, 03, 04, 09, 10, 13, 23, and their excluded counterparts)
    All employees are responsible and required to give prior notification and obtain approval from their principal/supervisor prior to taking any leave of absence except for unanticipated sick leave and emergencies.  Use Form G-1, Application for Leave of Absence, to report any leave of absence.
    Sick Leave - All employees are responsible and required to notify their principal/supervisor within a reasonable time prior to the start of the employees' scheduled workday as circumstances permit.  For absences of five (5) or more consecutive workdays, the employee shall submit a licensed physician's certificate/statement to substantiate that the absence was due entirely to sickness and the employee is physically and/or mentally able to resume the duties of the employee's position, with or without restrictions.
    Personal Leave - Employees who are eligible to take paid personal leave (charged to sick leave) shall be granted leave for business that can only be done during the normal work hours of the employee, and employees desiring to use such leave shall give at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice, except in emergencies.  Such personal leave is subject to approval by the supervisor.

    Unauthorized Leave - Any absence from work which does not meet the requirements for an authorized leave, with or without pay, shall be charged as an unauthorized absence from work.  Any period of unauthorized absence from work shall not be considered as service rendered.
    For further information regarding leaves of absence, please contact your respective Personnel Regional Officer.


(See attached file: Leave of Absence_05.01.2019.pdf)

No hard copy of this memo will be sent.


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